2020... The beginning of a new decade.
Are we all feeling optimistic? If you've watched BBC Years and Years, then probably not, but let's try to be. Let's all try to create something wonderful in 2020. How about an exciting new play! Our current group members will come together, starting next Wednesday 3rd July, to begin the process of writing a new play. We have never written a play as an entire group before, it's usually been a few members working on scripts. This time we want everyone, including you, to take part and do something, to make this new play-baby.
With that being said, we have devised a survey. We want you to choose from 3 options...
1. A time period for the play to take place (past, present or future)
2. A genre (several to choose from)
3. A location - Choose your own location or setting for the play, use your imagination, go wild!
LINK TO SURVEY: www.surveymonkey.com/r/9BKCJJQ - It's completely anonymous and takes seconds.
The possibilities are endless. Will we have a futuristic thriller set on a maternity ward? Or may a historical drama, set in a toilet paper factory? Or a comedy set in the house of commons in 2020? (Was that one too much?)
As of 6pm on Wednesday 3rd July, the survey will close. The writing group will abide by the time period and genre, as chosen by you. They will then discuss the locations that have been suggested. No decision on location will be made immediately, the meeting is only 1 hour long, and we are all chatty souls with tea making addictions. Our Facebook group and Twitter will be updated with the outcomes and details of next steps. The plan is to continue having involvement from our members, friends, families and communities, until we have a fully fledged brand new stage play.
Whilst we're at it, have you followed our social media?
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/bluefiretheatre
Twitter: @BluefireTheatre
Instagram: @bluefiretheatre
Before I go, please share with your friends, the more options we have to play with, the more fun this becomes!