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About us

Bluefire is a weekly drama club. We want everybody to have the opportunity to play a meaningful role on stage, no matter their experience or ability. There are no 'stuck at the back of the chorus' parts, everyone gets a meaningful role that will help them to shine on stage. We are as much a social club as a theatre club, and always have a tea break to catch up with each other. We also plan optional social get-togethers too. 


When do we meet?

When we are rehearsing for a show, we meet on Wednesdays 7pm - 9pm in central Ramsgate. We ask members to commit to being free on Wednesday evenings and give the Director advance notice of absence where possible.


Weekly fees

We currently self-fund our shows - everybody pays the same, even the Director and management team - £6 per week for the duration of the rehearsal period. Table reads, auditions & refreshments are free. All funds raised are reinvested into the current or next show. Nobody takes a wage. â€‹We recognise that this might not be accessible to everyone, and we want Bluefire to be accessible to our community. If this is a barrier, please discuss it with us, and we will find a way to include you.



Our hall has wheelchair access and disabled toilets. We aim to provide an inclusive and supportive atmosphere. We discuss individual needs individually to help members feel comfortable and happy within the group.





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